You’re invited to ascend on a transformative REIKI VISION QUEST in the majestic Malibu mountains with Artist, Self Love Mentor, and Reiki Master, Mystic Maya.

We’ll begin with an aura cleansing before you settle onto the massage table for a personalized Reiki treatment. You’ll then be immersed in the resonant tones of sound bowls, chimes, and the rhythmic beat of a shamanic drum, guiding your unique vision quest.

This intimate session is a sanctuary for mind, body, and soul—a sacred space to pause, transmute, explore your Higher Self, and rejuvenate through inspiration, manifestation, and simplicity.

Each client is welcomed with a thoughtfully curated altar at the farm table, representing the five sacred elements: fire, water, air, earth, and ether. Your quest will be centered on the element of water—the source of all life—drawing on its wisdom to listen, cleanse, and transform stagnant energy into harmony.

As a closing ceremony, you’ll have the opportunity to pour your water into the earth near a tree or plant of your choice, symbolizing letting go, embracing your authentic path, and trusting Mother Earth to transmute your worries, doubts, fears, and scars back into the web of life.

Afterward, we’ll spend 20-30 minutes around the farm table, sipping tea and engaging in open dialogue to help integrate your experience. This time allows you to reflect, ground yourself, and carry the healing with you into the rest of your day.

As a parting gift, you’ll choose something special from the RVQ treasure chest—a token to remind you of your quest.

Integration Add-ons: If you need more time, consider adding a vision quest tarot reading, a gentle hike to a breathtaking viewpoint near the studio, or an art workshop to paint your insights from the RVQ. To learn more, email me.

Please note: While my Reiki style is primarily hands-off, I may sometimes be guided to use a hands-on approach, allowing each session to unfold naturally.

What They Say

  • “I haven’t experienced Reiki for about 10 years because I had an off putting first experience. But, then I chose to try it again with Maya. After, the experience I felt light and supported. I don’t know if it’s because I trust Maya or because of her innate ability to put others at ease. I would recommend Maya to anyone who is looking for a healing, peaceful and grounding practitioner.“


  • "I absolutely loved Maya’s Reiki Vision Quest session. At the time, I was moving through some intense emotions and communication during an almost friendship breakup. The session came when I really needed it! Maya graciously welcomed me into her sacred space. I felt totally at ease with her to share what I was feeling and what was on my heart. During the Reiki, I felt lots of energetic movement and was able to let go of negativity and other personal gravity that was preventing me from showing up as my most healed self. After the session, I felt grounded. In the space following (both in integration with Maya directly after the session and integration hours after the session) I found the clarity I needed to express my truth and still stay in my heart. Maya held such profound and powerful space! I am grateful for her and her medicine."


  • "Reiki with Maya was truly a nurturing and healing experience for me. As someone who went through a traumatic skiing accident that left my body and mind in shock, her reiki helped to melt away tension and layers of pain. I believe we all carry baggage with us, which is why this is a powerful practice that will have a lasting impact on mind, body, and soul."


  • "I came open minded as a first timer. The minute she started my session I felt so protected and relaxed by Maya’s amazing energy, magic hands, calming voice and pure intentions. I felt like I could let go, surrender and flow with the experience. There is a special glow that comes after it, I can still feel it as I write this. I truly recommend Maya with my whole heart."


  • "Maya is a mystical, magical, healer. To be touched by her powerful spirit and nurturing soul is a gift. She has a way of really seeing you (maybe even better than you see yourself) and was able to give me so much clarity on my life path & purpose. I could not recommend booking a treatment with her more!"


  • "The reiki treatment I had with Maya was so impactful. It was an absolutely transformative experience and I was moved to tears. I need to incorporate reiki into my routine and I can’t wait to come back. It was the best 30th birthday present I could have ever given myself."


  • "I felt so energized and ready to receive the abundant wisdom and power of the RVQ space! Also a bit nervous to arrive there for my first time and meet Maya, but we instantly connected and it felt so special, almost a returning home to my soul. Listening to my Bob Marley and The Wailers Playlist, it felt SOOO right, and singing, expressing, was the precursor to the transformation I was ascending to. It made perfect sense Maya’s pup is named Marley, and she has a portrait of Bob in her home. Being a big fan as well, it was such a warm and inspiring experience all around!"


  • "Maya was totally tuned in and the treatment was beyond my expectations. I felt afterwards so relieved and rejuvenated. Also I have to mention the space the healing took place was pristine and smelled wonderful from the essential oils Maya used. I’m grateful to Maya for creating this safe place for me to trust and surrender to healing. It meant a lot for me since trusting people is a challenging thing for me. I went back home from her rejuvenated and happier."


  • "Maya is mystical and magical. She has a calm and loving demeanor that makes you feel seen and safe. Her session is nonjudgmental and you can tell that she truly loves healing and helping others. She is a light. During her reiki session, I was able to deeply relax and in the following week I felt a shift in energy. At first I felt tired, then rejuvenated. Maya has a gift!"
